On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Kuji Furumiya and illustrated by Chibi, Unnamed Memoryit was announced that...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Ema Toyama, Vampire Dormitory, the first promotional video of the...
Google has launched its long-awaited annual ranking of the most searched terms, and among the various categories, anime has shone with its own light. From...
Through his official Twitter account, the author Reiji Miyajima stated that the final chapter of the manga “Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)” It’s already decided....
In a recent controversy on social media, a Twitter user has unleashed a heated debate when “recoloring” the character Ymir Fritz of the franchiseShingeki no...
Anticipation reaches fever pitch as we approach the expected Jump Festa 2024the annual event that serves as an epicenter for anime and manga lovers. Scheduled...
The collaboration between the manufacturer Dream Studio and the distributor orzGK has led to an exciting revelation for fans of “One Piece“. A new independent...
A press release from Flag Pictures announced the production of a film adaptation of the novel written by Kazumi Takayama“trapezium“, whose premiere is scheduled for...