The official Twitter account of the acclaimed voice actress Inori Minase became the focus of attention recently after unauthorized access by a third party is...
A recent report from the Japan Animation Creators Association (JAniCA) has revealed a major problem surrounding contracts for new animators entering the industry. According to...
The reports of Japan National Center for Consumer Affairs have shed light on an alarming trend: the growth of unauthorized spending by Japanese children on...
The quiet city of Fukuyama, in Japan, is on alert after the first signs of an unexpected visitor were discovered at the local electroplating factory....
Government data reveals worrying demographic trend in Japanwith the country experiencing a decline in births to levels never seen before, in addition to recording more...
Government data reveals worrying demographic trend in Japanwith the country experiencing a decline in births to levels never seen before, in addition to recording more...
As we have previously mentioned, Hatelabo: Anonymous Diary is a site where Japanese Internet users can write their thoughts and leave them posted anonymously to...
The research division of Gakken Publishing in Japan conducted a survey among primary school students (ages 6 to 12) and secondary education students (ages 12...