On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima, Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend), a new promotional...
restaurant chain Komeda Coffee announced the temporary suspension of sales of the “Kuro Neige Black Mont Blanc” and the “Kuro Neige” due to a massive...
As we previously mentioned, the popular platform MyAnimeList was the victim of a hack by a fan of the franchise Serial Experiments Line. Before that,...
Twitter It is a great platform, with much more lax rules than Facebook. And now that Twitter Blue allows the publication of extensive videos, knowing...
The theme of the illustrations made with Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be on everyone’s lips, now that the suspension of the monetization of this...
Through his official Twitter account, the author Yomu reported that the story of the popular manga has ended Ganbare Douki-chan. Let’s remember that this doujinshi...