After more than three years since its announcement, on the official site for the anime adaptation of the novels written by Motoo Nakanishi“Sword of the...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Marcey Naitou“Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi (Tying the Knot With an...
With an interesting premise and an entertaining house like David Production behind, the anime adaptation of “Undead Unluck” was shaping up to become one of...
The anime adaptation of “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)” has achieved an impressive milestone by remain in the number one position in the...
A leak from the next edition of the magazine Monthly Big Gangan confirmed that the manga is written and illustrated by Etorouji Shiono“Ubel Blatt (Evil...
The veteran entertainer Terumi Nishii is speaking out for better working conditions in the anime industry in Japan, claiming that full-time workers currently feel “more...
The creator of the original “Mobile Suit Gundam“, Yoshiyuki Tomino, has sparked a wave of comment by suggesting that anime has the potential to influence...
On the official Twitter account for the manga written and illustrated by Masaoki Shindo“Ruri Dragon“, it was announced that The popular work will finally resume...