The official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Tsuyoshi Fujitaka and illustrated by Chisato Naruse, My Instant Death Ability is...
On the official site for the new anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi, Urusei Yatsura (Those Obnoxious Aliens), a new...
A press release announced that the light novels written by Takibi Amamori and illustrated by Muru Imigi“Too Many Losing Heroines! (Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!)”, will...
As we have already mentioned in previous articles, the author Sakurai Ferris Wheel usually excites fans by offering some previews of upcoming chapters of the...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso, Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji), a series of new visuals...
Almost two years ago, the hashtag “#ShutUpGringo“became a trend after the Latin American community on Twitter came together to defend a Japanese artist who had...