Aniplex revealed a new promotional video for the fourth season of the anime adaptation of the manga Koyoharu Gotouge, Kimetsu no Yaibatitled as Kimetsu no...
A well-known Japanese YouTuber, Kazuaki Sugita40, known online as “Rengoku Kuroaki“, was arrested this week for allegedly defame a woman by accusing her without evidence...
In a controversial situation on social media, the infamous Japanese YouTuber Rengoku Koroakinicknamed as the ‘Citizen Arrest YouTuber‘, has expressed his fury after his YouTube...
The popular cosplayer”Thunder-san (@asobiworld)“He became a trend after an action he starred in during the event”Yoka Eco Mentai“, which he attended with a cosplay. In...
In an incredible display of skill and creativity, the talented cosplayer “欲梦” (@Yinoeee) has left the fans of “Kimetsu no Yaiba” amazed with his impressive...
In an astonishing technological advance, artificial intelligence has left fans of “Kimetsu no Yaiba” by generating a variety of realistic illustrations of shinobu kochoone of...
According to an article published in the renowned Japanese media myjitsuthe high possibility has been raised that the successful franchise of “Kimetsu no Yaiba” be...