McDonald’s has surprised anime fans by announcing an exciting collaboration with Studio Pierrot for the production of a new anime project. The news has generated...
In the world of Japanese manga, the publisher Shogakukan is recognized for being the publishing house of iconic franchises such as “Detective Conan“, “Sousou no...
As announced some time ago, 2Bthe protagonist of the “NieR: Automata“, is now available within the popular video game “Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising“. To commemorate...
A press release reported that the light novels written by Tsukikage and illustrated by Chiiko“Let This Grieving Soul Retire! Woe Is the Weakling Who Leads...
The talented model Alina Becker has left fans speechless with his amazing characterization of the beloved character Hitori “Bocchi” Gotou from the popular franchise “Bocchi...
In a recent discussion thread on one of Japan’s most popular forums, Users have been hotly debating the possible reasons behind the apparent lack of...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Sun Sun Sun and illustrated by Momoco“Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings...