On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Tsutomu Satou and illustrated by Kana Ishida“Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (The...
The popular cosplayer “Neru Nakakuma” has once again surprised the community with a series of amazing photographs in which he embodies Toru Hagakurealso known as...
This article includes spoilers for “Jujutsu Kaisen.” Reader discretion is advised. A few months ago it was published in the Weekly Shonen Jump the manga...
In a recent publication by a local newspaper, drawings made by primary school students in Japan were shared, highlighting one in particular inspired by the...
The producer Aniplex published a new promotional video for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Tsutomu Satou and illustrated by Kana Ishida“Mahouka...
The voice actress Aya Hirano36 years old, and the actor Masashi Taniguchi (谷口賢志)46 years old, They announced their marriage tonight. Both artists shared an update...
The renowned hentai artist Mizuyanknown for his work in the industry, has reported on the devastating effects of the strong earthquake that struck central Japan...
Another year has ended and the platform MyAnimeList has published the usual ranking with the best rated anime series throughout the year. It should be...