In the fascinating world of digital art, Twitter user “AI_VirgenMorena” has emerged as an innovator by using artificial intelligence to “Mexicanize” popular anime characters. This...
Brazil’s public television station TV Culturesurprised its audience by broadcasting a special report that unravels the meaning and relevance of the word “waifu” in otaku...
The publisher TO Books announced that the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Miya Kazuki and illustrated by Yuu Shiina, Honzuki no Gekokujou:...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the adult manga written and illustrated by Toyo“Be fashionable, Adam-kun (Write in Pain, Adam)”, the first...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Kei Azumi and illustrated by Mitsuaki Matsumoto, Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (Tsuki...
The team “Super Peace Busters“, made up of the director Tatsuyuki Nagaithe screenwriter and director Mari Okadaand the artist Masayoshi Tanakaannounced the production of a...
No doubt Maplestar He is the erotic artist par excellence on social networks. While some show spectacular talent in the art of illustrations, It seems...
On December 5th, Yahoo! published the results of the “Yahoo! Search Award 2023“, showing the people, works and products that were most searched for through...