Aniplex revealed a new promotional video for the fourth season of the anime adaptation of the manga Koyoharu Gotouge, Kimetsu no Yaibatitled as Kimetsu no...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the webtoon created by Chugong, Solo Leveling, the second promotional video for the project was revealed....
The talented Chinese cosplayer, 桜桃喵 (Cherry Neko)has captivated the community with his most recent series of photographs, where he brings the beloved character to life...
The artificial intelligence (AI) company Pika Labs has begun the deployment of its most recent model, Pika 1.0that claims to have the ability to convert...
Kadokawa announced that it will expand the free-to-use license for the anime franchise “Jashin-chan Dropkick (Dropkick on My Devil!)” in Youtube. Until before this announcement,...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Yuu Okano and illustrated by Jayan“The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (Nozomanu Fushi...
In a fascinating fusion between reality and the world of animation, stunning realistic illustrations of the franchise’s beloved characters have been revealed.Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu...