During the event Fantasia Bunko Daikanshasai Online 2023 It was announced that the light novels written by Riku Nanano and illustrated by Healing, Private Tutor...
During the special broadcast for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Aki Hamaji, Bocchi the Rock!it was announced that the franchise...
During the event Fantasia Bunko Daikashasai Online 2023it was announced that the light novels written by miku and illustrated by Rein Kuwashima, I Got a...
The famous manufacturer Cai Studio and the renowned distributor orzGK have excited the fans of “One Piece” with the announcement of a new independent figure...
On the official site for the studios’ next original anime BONES, Metallic Rouge, the third promotional video for the project was revealed. The video confirms...
Fans of “Chainsaw Man” have something exciting on the horizon, as the prestigious figure manufacturer Green Leaf Studio and the distributor orzGK They are about...