A leak on the networks assured that the popular manga written and illustrated by Kouji Miura, Ao no Hako (blue box), will have an anime adaptation that will premiere in 2024 in Japan. The leak assured that the official confirmation will be revealed soon, so it is inferred that it could occur during the Jump Festa 2024 event that will take place in December.
Miura began publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from the publisher Shueisha in April 2021. Kouji Miura is also the author of other mangas such as “Sensei, Suki desu.” and “Aozora Rubber“, while “Ao no Hako” is based on a one-shot that he published in 2020.
Synopsis of Ao no Hako
Taiki Inomata, a third-year high school student, attends Eimei Academy, an integrated school with a major sports program. Having joined the high school badminton team, Taiki tries to attend open training as soon as possible. But no matter how early he goes, he always arrives second to the gym. The person who is one step ahead of him is Chinatsu Kano, a first-year high school student who is in love with Taiki. Chinatsu is the rising star of the basketball team, and the difference between her and Taiki couldn’t be greater.
Although Taiki is a decent badminton player, his popularity is nowhere near Chinatsu’s, making it even less likely that his feelings will be reciprocated. However, in a strange twist of fate, he ends up living in Taiki’s house! Wanting to become a worthy rival for Chinatsu, Taiki pursues the same dream as his lover: participating in the Nationals. Taiki begins to train harder than ever, all in order to establish a solid relationship with his new housemate.
Fountain: SUGOI Lite
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