The event “Fun Convention Mexico” has given a lot to talk about recently by announcing that the renowned mangaka Eiichiro Odacreator of the famous series...
With the arrival of August 16, the world of Genshin Impact has undergone an exciting transformation with the introduction of the highly anticipated Version 4.0....
This morning, the official Twitter account of the publisher’s Harta magazine kadokawa announced devastating news for the manga community. Manga creator Nami Sano passed away...
Twitter account “Hexagon Hill” has sparked a social media frenzy by sharing an intriguing job offer from the studios MAPPAbased in Tokyo, Japan. This offer...
This article includes spoilers for The Dangers in My Heart (Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu) manga. Reader discretion is advised. Followers of the manga...
A press release confirmed that the manga written and illustrated by Satoshi Mizukami, sengoku youko (Warring States Youko), will have an anime adaptation. According to...
In an exciting announcement to fans of Neon Genesis Evangelionthe manufacturing companies DREAMX STUDIO and distributor orzGK have teamed up to release a standalone figure...