In recent days, a passionate fan has surprised the anime and manga community with animation that merges the popular franchises.”Oshi no Ko” and “Yosuga no...
In a revolutionary breakthrough in the world of art and artificial intelligence, a user has created a series of stunningly realistic illustrations of the popular...
In a stunning breakthrough in the world of art and artificial intelligence, a variety of stunningly realistic illustrations of the popular characters have been created....
The animator of the anime television series Jujutsu Kaisen“伴野河-ベタβ (@bannogawa_b)“, has been involved in a controversy after posting a drawing on Twitter that some consider...
Now Playboy Studio has revealed its latest creation: an unofficial figure of 2B, the popular character from the acclaimed video game franchise “NieR: Automata“. This...
The production team for the animated adaptation of the visual novel developed by I know, Maitetsuentitled rail romanesqueadvertisement the second season will premiere in October...
This article contains spoilers for the “Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu” manga. Reader discretion is advised. When fans are debating over extended romantic comedies, the manga...
The professional model and cosplayer Momo Tomomoto (@tmmt_cosplay) surprises once again with his talent in embodying Maki Zenin from the famous franchiseJujutsu Kaisen“! In a...
In the city of HamamatsuShizuoka Prefecture, Japan, there has been an alarming incident that has shocked the community. A 39-year-old man, identified as an office...
This morning, the popular platform PIXIV FANBOX issued a press release informing that they have decided to offer a definition of the “Illustrations generated by...