On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi“Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)”, a new...
The producer Toei Animatiojn revealed a new promotional video for the anime “Dragon Ball Daima”during the special event”Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour“. The video is...
During the event Nukitashi dousoukai ~anogoro wa wakakatta~ It was announced that the adult visual novel developed by Qruppo, Nukige Mitai na Shima ni Sunderu...
Toei Animation issued a press release announcing that the original film “Expelled from Paradise (Rakuen Tsuihou)” will have a sequel titled “Liberated from Paradise (Rakuen...
In a joint statement from Kadokawa and the studies PAWORKSthe production of a new original anime titled “Mayonaka Punch (Midnight Punch)”, whose premiere is scheduled...
A press release announced that the manga written and illustrated by Taiga Miyakawa“Tasuuketsu“, will have an anime adaptation that will be released sometime this year...
A press release announced that the light novels written by Kagekinoko“The Healer Who was Banished From His Party is Actually the Strongest (Party kara Tsuihou...