Within the otaku community in Japan, there is a subculture known as “itasha“, where fans decorate their cars with illustrations of their favorite anime, manga...
On the official Twitter account for the director’s original anime Shingo Adachi and the studies A-1 Pictures, Lycoris Recoilit was announced that the Next December...
In an exciting technological advance, artificial intelligences (AIs) are demonstrating their ability to bring fantasy to reality, at least in the world of illustrations. Recently,...
In an unexpected twist, an illustration of Takina Inoue of “Lycoris Recoil” has caused a sensation on comment boards in Japan after an unusual error...
Popular Twitter user “堀北うい (@Ui0518)” became a trend recently after sharing a list with the “Anime Waifus Hall of Fame“, collecting the so-called best girls...
It’s been a year since the season of Summer-2022 (July-September) it was practically dominated in popularity by one series in particular: Lycoris Recoil. What makes...
restaurant chain Komeda Coffee announced the temporary suspension of sales of the “Kuro Neige Black Mont Blanc” and the “Kuro Neige” due to a massive...