In a recent publication by a local newspaper, drawings made by primary school students in Japan were shared, highlighting one in particular inspired by the...
In a fascinating crossover between artificial intelligence and anime culture, digital artists have used the character of Lucoa from the popular franchise “Kobayashi-san Chi no...
A new official figure from the manufacturer Q-six has attracted attention for being starring Lucoa of the franchiseKobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon...
In an exhibition of talent and dedication to the world of cosplaytwo unidentified Asian models have captivated the community with their stunning portrayals of the...
Inside the story of the manga written and illustrated by Cool-kyou Shinja“Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)”, the character of Lucoa is...
The manufacturing company FREEingin collaboration with the distributor Good Smile Companyannounced the launch of an official 1/4 scale figure starring Lucoa (Bunny Ver.) of the...