Bandai Namco Entertainment has released its new anime-based fighting game, “Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash“, and fans of the manga and anime series were excited… until...
A controversial incident has shaken social networks and the anime fan community in Japan, after a cosplayer characterized as Satoru Gojoa prominent character from the...
The anime adaptation of Jujutsu Kaisen won the award for ‘Television Program with Greatest Demand around the world‘in the sixth edition of the Global Demand...
NHK in Japan has reported that Kumamoto Prefectural police arrested two foreign men on suspicion of violating copyright law for leaking manga magazine images online....
Cyberspace, always bustling with viral videos that surprise viewers, has recently witnessed the spread of a disturbing video related to “Jujutsu Kaisen“. Users have issued...
The Japanese portal Myjitsu published an article compiling the statements of the renowned French animator Vincent Chansardwho stated that will not return to work for...
The franchise of Jujutsu Kaisen It maintains its high popularity among the Japanese public, and many establishments choose to inspire their new products in this...
This article includes spoilers for “Jujutsu Kaisen.” Reader discretion is advised. A few months ago it was published in the Weekly Shonen Jump the manga...