Sony has launched a new collaboration with “Bocchi The Rock!“ The popular musical franchise starring the Kessaku Band, In the form of an exclusive model of its Xperia Smartphone 1 VI. This special edition comes in two versions, the “Hitori Gotou (black color)” and the “Kessaku Band (green color)”, and promises to be a unique experience for fans.
This model has several outstanding features, such as high quality stereo speakers to enjoy the music of the series, and an OLED screen that improves visibility under sunlight. In addition, when buying the phone, users can get some exclusive wallpapers to customize the device.
However, the price of this model has caused a stir. The smartphone has a cost of 194,700 yen (almost 1300 dollars), which has generated negative comments among UE users consider that the price is excessive.
For some, This is more a luxury object than a really directed product towards fans of “Bocchi The Rock!”and although you have the option to pay in installments, the high cost is still an important barrier:
- «Patriots should support and buy it».
- «Now Spy X Family is fashionable».
- «Realers, cursed!».
- «A smartphone that costs 200 thousand yen?».
- «It is already clear to me, this is the type of people who buy it».
- «Sony controls everything».
- «Better print the stickers myself and I download the wallpapers».
- «It is very expensive, but what is the standard price?».
- «In the end, I put a cover and nothing is seen».
- «With which it prints a sticker or something, it is already».
- «An institute girl using Android?».
Fountain: Yaraon!
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