A store commercial Best Buy Several years ago he was discovered again by the Internet community and unleashed a storm. In the ad, a seller draws a laptop from a Best Buy bag and says it is “thinner and light than the disgusting pillow“Of the other subject. The latter replies: “It is anime“, To which the seller replies:“And Ana may never speak if you see that“
Although the commercial already has its years, the conversation again gave what to talk about social networks, separating Internet users between those who do not approve this type of marketing and what they say that the message is not as wrong as they believe. In case you don't know about the subject, these pillows are known as Dakimakura, and are quite large to include an anime girl illustration (or a husbando, like Chayanne himself) To hire her while you sleep. Obviously there are people who give them “other uses”, but the original objective is to embrace it only.
The conversation, however, reflected a variety of opinions:
- «I feel personally attacked».
- «Great, now the only store that still sells video games and has not insulted most of its consumer base (lately) is Ebgames … at least in Canada. I have no idea what kind of stupideces Gamestop, his sister company, lately».
- «They are only looking for attention because they are no longer relevant thanks to Newgg and Amazon».
- «If I were a real woman, he would have bought it from him. In addition, his taste in Waifus is garbage».
- «The Best Buy boycott has begun».
- «Best Buy is garbage, hahaha. Sad that I once worked for them».
- «That's all. I will not buy them again».
- «It's weird because you don't understand culture. Spot».
- «Dakimakura everywhere».
- «You do not need Ana in your life anyway».
- «That Dakimakura looks horrible, being honest. This is how a good one should look».
- «I hope that COVID will take them out of business».
Fountain: Facebook
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