After today’s episode aired, it was announced that the anime adaptation of the webtoon written and illustrated by Wookjakga, A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special (Kikansha no Mahou wa Tokubetsu Desu), will have a second season. The press release did not list a scheduled release date.but indicated that a special event will be held on March 3, 2024 where more information will be revealed.
The first season aired during the season of Fall-2023 (October-December) and had a total of twelve episodes. For its part, Usonan published the original novels through the South Korean publishing house, Kakaobetween September 2016 and August 2019. A webtoon adaptation by Wookjakga is published through the service KakaoPage since May 2018.
Production team
- Taishi Kawaguchi (Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu) was in charge of directing the first season at the studios Arvo Animation.
- Takamitsu Kouno (Gabriel Dropout, Absolute Duo, Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja) was in charge of writing and supervising the scripts in the first season.
- Hiromi Katou (Guilty Crown, Monster Musume no Oisha-san, Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu) was in charge of character design and animation direction in the first season.
- Kenta Higashouji (Princess Connect! Re:Dive, Build Divide: Code Black, Pole Princess!!) was in charge of composing the soundtrack in the first season.
Synopsis of A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special
The world is on the brink of destruction after a devastating ten-year war in the “labyrinth of shadows.” Desir Herrman is one of the last expert magicians left standing, but even he is no match for the formidable enemy that threatens the very existence of humanity. Just when he is sure the end has come, he is sent back in time, to his early days of studying magic at the prestigious Hebrion Academy. With this rare second chance, Desir is determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and companions he once lost. Armed with the knowledge of what the future holds, can his efforts make a difference, or will they all be doomed to relive the same terrible fate? Based on the successful novel.
Fountain: Comic Natalie
(c)A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Animation Partners