The manufacturer Fallen Angel Studio and the distributor orzGK are pleased to announce the launch of a new standalone figure starring Lucy, an iconic character from the franchise.”Cyberpunk: Edgerunners“.
Featuring Lucy in 1/6 scale, reaching an impressive height of approximately 300mm, the figure faithfully captures all of the character’s distinctive details. Lucy is depicted as a young woman with naturally white hair and red-purple eyes. Her light makeup highlights her eyes and lips in reddish tones, while her hair is cut into a parted bob, with the left side longer, dyed a colorful pastel rainbow gradient. Her eyes seem to reflect the colors of her hair.
As for her wardrobe, Lucy follows a style that combines kitsch with neomilitarism. She sports a short white jacket over a black netrunner bodysuit with red accents, accompanied by white shorts, gray high socks, and black knee-high boots.
Last but not least, Lucy’s body is marked by multiple lines, suggesting the presence of various types of cyberimplants, although it is not specified which ones. This detail adds an additional layer of depth to the character and reinforces his connection to the technological and futuristic world in which he lives.
The Lucy figure is now available for immediate purchase through orzGK, with a sale price of $447. “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” fans and collectors will surely appreciate this impressive addition to their collections.
Fountain: orzGK distributor (make your purchase here)