The anime adaptation of Solo Leveling has been on a streak breaking records everywhere since its release in January, however, the most recent one is...
The CEO of Crunchyroll, Rahul Purinihas revealed in a recent podcast that his company presented the manhwa “Solo Leveling” to Aniplex and went essential to...
Maybe you didn’t know it, but the story of “Shinkoukei Mikakunin (Engaged to the Unidentified)” has been published for almost fifteen years, since April 2009...
Being an anime fan these days can be a challenge, as some communities (also called fandom) Within this world they do not tolerate criticism, constructive...
If we go until the season Fall-2021 (October-December)definitely one of the most popular series of the moment was “Mieruko-chan“, the anime adaptation of a horror...
Government data reveals worrying demographic trend in Japanwith the country experiencing a decline in births to levels never seen before, in addition to recording more...
Government data reveals worrying demographic trend in Japanwith the country experiencing a decline in births to levels never seen before, in addition to recording more...
This morning, the company Crunchyroll carried out the Crunchyroll Anime Awardsfeaturing multiple celebrities from around the world (some of them not at all related to...
Recently, a photograph of the graduation ceremony of the Sapporo Minami Institutein the Hokkaido Prefecture in Japan, became a trend because one of the students...