On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Tsutomu Satou and illustrated by Kana Ishida“Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (The...
The multiple official media outlets of the “dragon ball” and its derivations reported the death of Akira Toriyamaauthor of the original manga, after an acute...
This article includes spoilers for the “Oshi no Ko” manga. Reader discretion is advised. In the last hours, an alleged leaked panel from the popular...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Koharu Inoue“Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid (The Duke of Death...
On online comment forums, a post has sparked a wave of debate between defenders and detractors of artists who employ artificial intelligence (AI) to create...
If we review the most popular series of the season Winter-2024 (January-March)you will surely find it a surprise that a magical girl ecchi like “Mahou...