On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Kuji Furumiya and illustrated by Chibi“Unnamed Memory“, the second promotional video...
A press release announced that the manga written and illustrated by Oshioshio“My Deer Friend Nokotan (Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan)”, will have an anime adaptation that will...
The Chinese model Momoko Aoi has left fans speechless with his impressive interpretation of the character Shizuku Kuroe from the popular series “Sono Bisque Doll...
No doubt “Uruha Rushia“, a former VTuber affiliated with the agency Hololive Production, has made history within the VTubing industry for more reasons than one....
Recently, Users of a prominent comment forum engaged in a lively debate about the phenomenon of Netorarecommonly abbreviated as NTR, a subgenre of hentai that...
The recent death of the legendary author of “dragon ball“, Akira Toriyama, has once again highlighted concerns about the working conditions of manga authors. Since...
A strong opinion has emerged in the Japanese social networksgenerating an intense debate between manga and anime lovers. The statement that has gained relevance states...