The popular Twitter artist @A2TwillDraw has once again captured the attention of the anime and manga community with his most recent work. This time, she...
A trend has emerged on social networks combining Frieren, the protagonist of “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)”, with covers of popular video games...
On a popular comment forum dedicated to anime, fans have been debating the character of Ubel from the anime “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s...
The editorial team of Shogakukan has released the exciting results of the long-awaited character popularity survey of “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)”, which...
Today the anime adaptation of “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)”, and although the production of a second season was not immediately announced, the...
A Twitter user has become the center of attention on social media after expressing his discontent with the isekai genre. The controversy arose after the...
Japanese Internet users are revolutionized with the recent discovery that the anime adaptation of “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)” has reached the top...