During the event JUMP FESTA 2024 The first promotional video was revealed for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Kouji Miura“blue...
Anticipation reaches fever pitch as we approach the expected Jump Festa 2024the annual event that serves as an epicenter for anime and manga lovers. Scheduled...
Aniplex revealed a new promotional video for the fourth season of the anime adaptation of the manga Koyoharu Gotouge, Kimetsu no Yaibatitled as Kimetsu no...
A press release announced that the manga written by Sekka Iwata and illustrated by Yuu Aoki, Magilumiere Co. Ltd. (Kabushikigaisha Magi-Lumière), will be adapted into...
A press release finally confirmed that the manga written and illustrated by Yukinobu Tatsu, Dandadanwill have an anime adaptation whose Premiere is scheduled for sometime...
During the previously announced special event, new information was revealed for the second season of the anime adaptation of the manga written by Aka Akasaka...
This Sunday, the editorial Shueisha officially announced and with a visual teaser that the manga series written and illustrated by Kouji Miura, blue box (Ao...