Amid the enthusiasm generated by the live-action adaptation of “One Piece,” the anime community has demonstrated its creativity once again. This time, fans have shared...
An exciting video has been trending on social media in recent days, showing a truly special moment at an Indonesian wedding. Instead of traditional wedding...
The producers behind the successful debut of the live-action series of Netflix“one pieceThey announced that the scripts for a possible second season are complete and...
Steven Maedathe producer of the live-action version of the series one piece, has responded to fan expectations regarding certain future events. The live-action version of...
Through a press release, Netflix revealed a new promotional video for the live-action series adaptation of the manga. Eiichiro Oda, one piece. this new video...
The anime and manga franchise “one piece” has captivated millions of fans around the world with its exciting narrative, memorable characters, and a vast world...
The event “Fun Convention Mexico” has given a lot to talk about recently by announcing that the renowned mangaka Eiichiro Odacreator of the famous series...