The anime phenomenonDemon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba“is celebrating, since it has been five years since its first broadcast in Japan. Since its debut in April...
The manufacturer Mimo Studio and the orzGK distributor, have announced the release of a new standalone figure that is sure to captivate anime fans. This...
During a special broadcast, the first promotional video for “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Hashira Training Arc“, the fourth season of the anime adaptation of...
Riko Muranaka is a medical doctor and journalist in Japan, awarded for her work to combat misinformation about human papillomavirus vaccination in her country. However,...
Today we meet again to review another of the works of “ヒカリお気楽 (@hikari_okiraku)“, a popular Twitter user known for measuring the breasts of the most...
The renowned model Alina Becker has captivated anime fans with his impressive characterization of the character Mitsuri Kanroji from the popular franchise “Kimetsu no Yaiba“....