On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga “Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)” announced the production of a fourth season of the...
The author of “Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)”, Reiji Miyajimahas become a trend on social networks after sharing an illustration of Chizuru Mizuhara, the protagonist...
The editorial Kadokawa announced that the manga written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima“The Shiunji Family Children (Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi)”, will have an anime adaptation. It...
The situation in the manga industry in Japan remains delicate after the apparent suicide of Hinako Ashiharathe author of the popular manga “Sexy Tanaka-san“. After...
Chizuru Mizuharathe captivating protagonist of “Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)”, has managed to establish itself as an icon in the anime and manga scene. Her...
This weekend the Comic Market (Comiket) 103the huge Japanese doujinshi convention where artists gather by the hundreds to offer their latest works to fans. From...
Through his official Twitter account, the author Reiji Miyajima stated that the final chapter of the manga “Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)” It’s already decided....
This article includes spoilers for the manga “Kanojo, Okarishimasu.” Viewer discretion is advised. “Manga fans”Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)” have remained supporting the serialization of...
The Japanese company Karaoke No Tetsujin announced a collaboration with the multimedia franchise of Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend) in the launch of a new...
The company DMM announced a collaboration with the multimedia franchise of Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend), at the launch of a line of dakimakura cases...