The Kadokawa publishing house listed that the next two volumes of the light novels written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by Keiji Mizoguchi“Seishun Buta Yarou...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Satoru Nii“Wind Breaker“, a new promotional video for the project...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso“Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji)”, a new promotional video was revealed...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso, Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji), a series of new visuals...
A press release from Flag Pictures announced the production of a film adaptation of the novel written by Kazumi Takayama“trapezium“, whose premiere is scheduled for...
The team “Super Peace Busters“, made up of the director Tatsuyuki Nagaithe screenwriter and director Mari Okadaand the artist Masayoshi Tanakaannounced the production of a...
During the special broadcast for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Aki Hamaji, Bocchi the Rock!it was announced that the franchise...