In an unfortunate twist, a certain group of Japanese netizens expressed their displeasure upon discovering a photograph of the talented voice actress Yoshino Aoyamarecognized for...
Since its debut in the season of Fall-2023 (October-December)the anime adaptation of the manga “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)” has exceeded all expectations,...
We have previously talked about “にわか侍 (@niwaka05)“, a popular social media artist who often skillfully edits anime scenes to include characters from completely different franchises....
In the most recent edition of the wrestling program “All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite,” viewers noticed an out-of-the-ordinary moment that quickly became a trend on social...
During the special broadcast for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Aki Hamaji, Bocchi the Rock!it was announced that the franchise...
The prominent Malaysian model, Sushihas left the fans of the franchise impressed “Bocchi the Rock!” with his incredible characterization of the charismatic character Hitori Gotou....