The first trailer for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Takibi Amamori and illustrated by Muru Imigi“Too Many Losing Heroines! (Make Heroine...
The anime adaptation of Solo Leveling has been on a streak breaking records everywhere since its release in January, however, the most recent one is...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the video game “NieR: Automata“, titled as “NieR:Automata Ver1.1a“, a promotional image was revealed for the...
After today’s broadcast, on the official site for the anime adaptation of the webtoon “Solo Leveling” It was announced that the broadcast on February 24...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the webtoon created by Chugong, Solo Leveling, the second promotional video for the project was revealed....
On the official Twitter account for the director’s original anime Shingo Adachi and the studies A-1 Pictures, Lycoris Recoilit was announced that the Next December...