Fans of the iconic anime series “dragon ball” have received exciting news about the upcoming release of “Dragon Ball Daima“, a new anime that promises...
The first trailer for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Takibi Amamori and illustrated by Muru Imigi“Too Many Losing Heroines! (Make Heroine...
Many times we have covered here Maplestar, a talented animator specializing in adult animation production, usually starring the most popular girls of the season. Many...
As we have already mentioned before, the porn cinema in Japan It’s quite particular. Obviously you know that it is completely forbidden to show genitals...
The Japanese otaku community has spoken: they have cast their votes and determined which ones they are the most outstanding animes in history. Through the...
The reports of Japan National Center for Consumer Affairs have shed light on an alarming trend: the growth of unauthorized spending by Japanese children on...
The quiet city of Fukuyama, in Japan, is on alert after the first signs of an unexpected visitor were discovered at the local electroplating factory....
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Yukinobu Tatsu“Dandadan“, a new promotional video for the project was...
Definitely “Chainsaw Man” is one of the most popular shonen franchises of recent years, and although there are divided opinions about the second part of...