In the midst of the digital universe, there have emerged various online petitions to establish March 8 as the “Dragon Ball Day“in memory of the late author Akira Toriyama. The peculiarity of this date is that the announcement of the death of the acclaimed Japanese mangaka was made on March 8, 2024 in Japan, although in reality Toriyama had died a week before, on March 1, 2024.
- Petition #1 – “March 8, International Dragon Ball Day”
- Petition #2 – “Establish March 8 as the International Memorial Day for Master Akira Toriyama”
Importantly, March 8 also coincides with International Women’s Day, which adds an interesting nuance to this online application. However, these petitions are not necessarily indicative of an official change, as it is common for many of them to fail to achieve any concrete results. They are often used by Internet users to create memes or generate viral petitions that have no real impact on society.
“Dragon Ball”, the legendary franchise created by Akira Toriyama, has left an indelible mark on pop culture, especially in Latin America. Since their debut in the 80s, the adventures of Goku and his friends have captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world. The series has not only entertained several generations, but has also transmitted important values such as friendship, perseverance and personal improvement.
Akira Toriyama, the genius behind Dragon Ball, is considered one of the most influential manga artists of all time. His creativity, humor, and ability to create iconic characters have made him a legendary figure in the world of manga and anime. His legacy lives on through the pages of his masterpiece, which continues to inspire new generations of fans around the world.
Although the creation of a “Dragon Ball Day” may not be a tangible realitythe lasting impact of the franchise and the admiration for Akira Toriyama will continue to be celebrated by fans around the world, who keep the Dragon Ball flame alive with their passion and devotion.
Fountain: Change.Org