On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Yomi Hirasaka and illustrated by Kantoku“A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics (Henjin...
In a surprise move, VTubers agency NIJISANJI announced the termination of the contract with one of its talents: “Selen Tatsuki“. However, unlike a standard “graduation,”...
As we have previously mentioned, Hatelabo: Anonymous Diary is a site where Japanese Internet users can write their thoughts and leave them posted anonymously to...
We have already talked many times about the popular YouTuber “Piano Bread“, who is originally from Taiwan and is known for performing anime musical themes...
After today’s broadcast, on the official site for the anime adaptation of the webtoon “Solo Leveling” It was announced that the broadcast on February 24...
Members of a popular comment forum have immersed themselves in an intense debate about the reasons behind the little information there is about the sequel...
The world of entertainment is constantly evolving, and in the field of manga/comics, China is emerging as a formidable competitor to Japan. Manhua app “Kuaikan...
“For tastes, colors” is an expression that highlights the futility of fighting over each person’s preferences. That is, “there are as many opinions as there...