In a survey carried out by the renowned Japanese portal Akiba Soukenfans of the anime industry were asked about the character deaths that have affected...
It seems that players of the popular survival video game “Palworld“they are requesting the developer”the ability to mate between humans and Pals“, that is to...
An unbalanced woman has gone viral in Japan for destroy her boyfriend’s mobile phone after discovering him masturbating with a hentai doujinshi. In a post...
In a press release, the studies Yostar Pictures announced that the original special “Sorairo Utility (Sky Blue Utility)”, will become an anime television series. The...
As we have already commented in previous articles, nHentai is a popular hentai doujinshi site translated into different languages (although never into Spanish). The site...
A controversial incident has shaken social networks and the anime fan community in Japan, after a cosplayer characterized as Satoru Gojoa prominent character from the...