The research division of Gakken Publishing in Japan conducted a survey among primary school students (ages 6 to 12) and secondary education students (ages 12 to 15) about the jobs they would like to have in the future. The results revealed a drastic change in the most popular occupations, as the most popular occupation among elementary school children, “YouTubers“, is not among the dreams of high school students.
The most popular occupation for elementary school kids was “YouTubers and other Internet streamers,” followed by “police officers” in second place and “athletes (other than baseball, soccer, and swimming).” in third place. This is the third consecutive year since the 2021 survey that “YouTuber” has ranked first, and its popularity remains strong.
For high school kids, “engineer/programmer (mechanical/technician/IT)” took the top spot. The second most popular answer was “company employee”, followed by “professional footballer” in third place. “YouTuber and other Internet streamers” unexpectedly fell out of the top 10 (tied for 11th). On the contrary, “company employee” (9th position) and “official” (11th position), which occupied a low position among primary school students, have moved to occupy 2nd and 4th positions, respectively.
Meanwhile, among primary school girls, “patissier (pastry maker)” occupies first place. This is the seventh consecutive year, since the 2017 survey, that this profession has ranked first. They were followed by “nurse”, in second place, and “singer/idol”, in third. Among girls in lower secondary school, “school teacher/professor” occupies first place. The second most popular was ‘nurse’, followed by ‘civil servant’ and ‘pharmacist’.
Fountain: Livedoor News