Within the otaku community in Japan, there is a subculture known as “itasha“, where fans decorate their cars with illustrations of their favorite anime, manga...
The anime adaptation of “The Dangers in My Heart (Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu)” has finally begun broadcasting its long-awaited second season. It is...
This year marks the tenth anniversary of several Anime series that captured the hearts of viewers in 2014. However, what makes these productions even more...
In a phenomenon that has captured the attention of social networks, a video on Twitter has gone immensely viral, accumulating more than 6 million views....
In a fascinating crossover between virtual fantasy and reality, a series of illustrations have emerged featuring the girls from the popular franchise.Re:ZERO – Starting Life...
The popular director, producer and animator Ryu Nakayama (most recently directing “Chainsaw Man”) has taken a significant step in his career by founding his own...
A curious situation arose a few days ago and involved Mengo Yokoyariartist of the renowned manga “Oshi no Ko“. Yokoyari-sensei shared a photograph of a...