The Japanese portal Myjitsu published an article compiling the statements of the renowned French animator Vincent Chansardwho stated that will not return to work for...
A video that has become a trend on Reddit is shedding light on the strict censorship controls that anime faces in Indonesiahighlighting the practices of...
In December 2023, the development team of “Street Fighter 6″the most recent installment of the popular fighting video game franchise, surprised with a promotional video...
The commotion on the comment boards continues to grow as followers of Yurina Hase They assimilate the shocking revelations made by the retired seiyuu in...
In an exciting fusion between technology and creativity, a striking series of illustrations featuring Nino Nakano from the famous franchise “Gotoubun no Hanayome (The Quintessential...
In a recent revelation on social media, a prominent Twitter user has compiled the characteristics that he believes the ideal anime waifu should possess. Among...
On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Q Hayashida“Dorohedoro“, the production of a second season was announced....