The production for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Kagiri Araido, Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru (A Story About a Grandpa and Grandma Who Returned Back to Their Youth), revealed a new promotional video for the project. The video confirmed that the animation will be in charge of GEKKOU studios and also revealed the production team. Its release date is scheduled for April 2024 in Japan..
Araido began publishing the manga through the social network X (formerly Twitter), and in June 2020 through the magazine Comic Alunnafrom the publishing label KADOKAWA. With its seventh compilation volume scheduled to be published on August 16, 2023.
voice cast
- Shinichiro Miki Like Shozo.
- Mamiko Noto Like Ine.
- Shiori Mikami Like Mino.
- Nao Toyama like Shiori.
Production team
- Masayoshi Nishita (Kenja no Magician, Kinsou no Vermeil, Eyeshield 21) is in charge of directing the anime at the studios GEKKOU.
- Yukie Sugawara (Sword Art Online, Overlord, Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen) is in charge of writing and supervising the scripts.
- Nagisa Takahashi (Gleipnir, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T, Temper) is in charge of character design and animation direction.
- Tomoki Hasegawa (Nana, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Nazo no Kanojo) is in charge of composing the soundtrack.
Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru Synopsis
Shouzou and Ine Saitou have been happily married for as long as they can remember. Even in his old age, with wrinkles and cracked limbs, the strength of this love is evident by their precious bond. And one day, by chance, they wake up and discover that they are young again. Despite their new young and attractive bodies, Shouzou and Ine are still the same as always. Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru follows the young elderly couple as they go about their daily lives, spending time with family and defying the expectations of the younger ones.
Fountain: Comic Natalie