Recently, an enigmatic viral video has been circulating the web, leaving the online community baffled and intrigued. The video features two girls in a lively...
The Japanese portal Brazil Nippou Newspaper became a trend recently after sharing an article where stated that people of color are not needed in anime...
“Henshin (Metamorphosis)” is a Japanese doujinshi that gained notoriety and some controversy due to its explicit content and mature themes. The term “doujinshi” refers to...
He anime world It is full of adventures, emotions and exceptional characters. Among the characters that populate this diverse universe, some stand out for their...
During the event of Kadokawa“Fantasia Bunko Daikanshasai Online 2023“, it was announced that the fifth season of the anime adaptation of the light novels written...
The editorial Kadokawa revealed during the event Fantasia Bunko Daikanshasai Online 2023 that the literary franchise of Ichiei Ishibumi, High School DxDwill have a new...