The success of live-action anime adaptations continues to grow around the world, and Netflix is at the center of this trend. Recently, the streaming platform premiered the live-action adaptation of One Piece, which was a resounding success. Currently, the second season of this adaptation is in production.
Given the surprising reception of One Piece in its live-action version, it would not be surprising if Netflix continues to adapt more series of this type in the future. One of the series that has caught the attention of fans and creators is “SPY x FAMILY“, a shonen manga that gained popularity last year with its anime debut.
Steven Maeda, the showrunner of the “One Piece” series on Netflix, expressed his interest in bringing “SPY x FAMILY” to live-action in an interview with Comic Book. Maeda shared, “I love SPY x FAMILY so much. It’s just wonderful. It’s funny you mentioned it, since it’s one of the IPs I’ve been chasing for a while now. I think there are many interesting stories to adapt. It’s just difficult to get them. But the anime is definitely awesome source material».
SPY x FAMILYbased on the manga of the same name created by Tatsuya Endotells the story of the Forger family, made up of Loid Forger (spy), Yor Forger (assassin) and Anya Forger (telepath). They all share the same home while keeping their true identities hidden from each other. The story takes place in a time when world peace is at stake, as neighboring countries are always at risk of going to war again. As a result, the Forger family fights in their own way to keep the peace between Ostania and Westalis.
The exciting news for fans is that the second season of the SPY x FAMILY anime will premiere on October 7 and is already generating great expectations. Although nothing has been officially confirmed yet, given the popularity of the series, there is a possibility that Netflix will adapt a live-action version of SPY x FAMILY. Steven Maeda’s interest in the series and his previous history are good news for fans of the franchise, who could have the opportunity to enjoy another amazing live-action adaptation in the style of One Piece.
Fountain: Dexerto