Two years ago, in September 2021, the anime adaptation of the manga written by Hiro Mashima and illustrated by atsuo ueda, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest. While neither a scheduled release date nor production details have been announced to date, the popular leaker “spytrue” recently stated that the premiere is scheduled for the season of Winter-2024 (January-March).
It should be noted that this information is not confirmed in any way, but considering the proximity of the supposed release date, then we should have the official information within a short time. Who do you think is the studio in charge of this long-awaited continuation?
Mashima and Ueda began publishing the manga on the digital service. Magazine Pocket from the publisher kodansha in July 2018. This manga is a direct sequel to the manga written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima, Fairy Tailwhich he published in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Magazine from the publisher kodansha between August 2006 and July 2017, with a total of sixty-three compiled volumes.
Synopsis for Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest
The 100-year mission, a mission so challenging and dangerous that it has not been accomplished in over a century. While countless mages have attempted to take on their grueling goal, their results have ended in overwhelming defeat or worse. However, Natsu Dragneel and her friends, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet and Wendy Marvell, along with Happy and Charles, ambitiously embark on their quest.
One year after the Fairy Tail guild has overcome the evil forces of Acnologia and Zeref, Natsu and his team travel to the northern continent of Guiltina, where they search for the employer of the “Hundred Year Mission”, which consists of sealing away the Five Dragon Gods, a group of individuals with such vast power that if left to act, it could cause worldwide devastation. Meanwhile, an energetic new member named Touka enters Fairy Tail. Although his vibrant energy and passionate nature make her a perfect fit for the team, there seems to be more to her than meets the eye.
Fountain: spytrue