The talented South Korean model, NiKo__NyaN_has left fans of the franchise “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” amazed by his impressive characterization of the iconic character Lucy. In an...
In a recent development that has shaken the manga fan community “Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!“, users of a comment forum in Japan have shared intriguing moments...
After the broadcast of the final two episodes of BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Separationthe second part of the anime adaptation of the last...
In early September we reported that the editor of Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), Shintaro Kawakubo, had announced that there would be news for...
Artificial intelligence continues to surprise us with its ability to bring anime characters to life in a totally unique way. On this occasion, we present...
Mexican viewers witnessed an unexpected twist in the newscast “We, You and Facts” of Aztec News when one of the presenters, Martha Brianoappeared on screen...
The manufacturer IMAGINATION STUDIO and the distributor orzGKtwo prominent names in the world of collectible figures, have teamed up to bring you an amazing representation...
The distributor PREMIUM BANDAI announced the launch of a box based on the “Gokumonkyo“, better known as the “Confining Prison“. This was the object used...