A new episode for the anime aired this weekend. Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Separationwhich is adapting the latest story arc of the popular...
On the official site for the multimedia franchise of Naruto it was announced that the new four-episode anime has been postponed indefinitely with the aim...
The popular cosplayer”Thunder-san (@asobiworld)“He became a trend after an action he starred in during the event”Yoka Eco Mentai“, which he attended with a cosplay. In...
In an exciting reveal for fans of Genshin Impactthe prestigious design house of figures, the manufacturer Yu Zhai Ren Xing Studioin collaboration with the renowned...
In the vast and exciting anime worldeach series introduces us to a wide range of characters, from fearless heroes to memorable villains. However, among the...
On April 9, 2021, the new series, “The Way of the Househusband” (also known as “Gokushufudo“), finally premiered on Netflix and people did not expect...
The first episode of Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won’t Lose finally premiered on April 14, 2021! But first and foremost, have you ever...