the hentai artist tomoyasu kurashima recently became a trend after launching a curious illustration where, in quotes, he ended up desecrating the girls of the popular franchise Yuru Camp (Laid Back Camp). While some would think this infuriated fans of this girls-go-camping story, most were quite surprised by the genius of the illustration.
The article in question is an illustration printed on two layers of plastic that together show the girls of Yuru Camp in some hot springs and covered with their towels. The interesting thing is that the towels, in fact, are part of the second layer, so when it is removed, the girls can be seen completely naked.
As “hentai” as this product is, its design did not go unnoticed in the comment forums in Japan. Also, with an attractive price of 1,980 yen (about 14 dollars) and a print in B5 size (176 × 250 mm), Yuru Camp fans rushed to get it during the two days of the Comic Market (Comiket) convention held this month.
In fact, the artist shared an update on his Twitter account surprised by the incredible good reception of the product: «I was quite worried because it was my first product, but it seems to be selling pretty well and half the prints are already sold out. Thank you so much».
And of course, his effort did not go unnoticed in the comment forums: «Thank you very much for your work!»; «For various reasons I could not attend Comiket, so I am very grateful that it is still selling»; «Great attention to detail as always!»; «I didn’t have the opportunity to buy it at the time, but I was able to get it on sale!»; and “It has been worth so much waiting».