Inside the popular franchise story of Oshi no KoKana Arima is one of the main characters and one of the romantic interests of the protagonist, Aqua Hoshino. Having been a prodigious child actress in the past, Kana seeks to regain her popularity by now being the center of the idol group B-Komachi.
Despite her talent, over time she began to have fewer jobs due to being difficult to work with, which led her to develop serious self-esteem issues and even change her acting style to survive in the industry. However, after meeting Aqua and Ruby again and being recruited to B-Komachi, as well as her rivalry with fellow actress Akane Kurokawa, she began to regain her former self-confidence and throw off the ties she had put on.
During the decline in her popularity, Kana Arima had to take embarrassing jobs (considering the big productions she had been in in the past). One of these works was the “Pepper Workout”, known in Spanish as the “Baile del Pimiento Morrón”. The song she performed for this dance became a hit on the Oricon charts in Japan (in story, not in real life), but Kana Arima actually hates peppers.
Having the context we can finally move on to what brings us together today. It turns out that a video went wildly viral on Instagram, as it shows a talent contest held in Indonesia last month. During this event, titled as “Malang Food Festival Part 4“, a small participant decided to perform the aforementioned dance of Oshi no Ko.
It is certainly a fairly simple video, but considering the great popularity of Oshi no Ko, it was evident that this recording would immediately become a trend on social networks. While many comments applauded the little girl’s cosplay and her portrayal of Kana Arima’s cosplay, others wondered if the girl really knows what she’s doing and the character she’s portraying, considering that Oshi no Ko is a seinen work, that is, for adults.