In an exciting collaboration between artificial intelligence and the world of anime, a series of illustrations have been revealed that impressively capture the beloved characters...
Through the official website for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by African, Yuru Camp (Laid Back Camp), it was announced that...
This weekend the second season of the anime adaptation of “Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation“, however, the premiere was overshadowed by a situation that fans did...
The wait is over for fans of Chainsaw Man! SIX STUDIOa renowned figure manufacturer, has revealed its latest creation: two impressive independent figures starring Makimaone...
In a revealing interview that has caused a stir in the anime community, renowned animation producer, atsushi kanekohas expressed his ambition to lead the project...
In a revolutionary breakthrough in the world of digital art, an artificial intelligence has created a series of lifelike illustrations of Kana Arimathe popular character...
During the event Anime Expo 2023 A new promotional video was revealed for the anime adaptation of the webtoon created by Chugong, Just Leveling. The...