the japanese portal myjitsu shared an article noting that fans of the franchise of Jujutsu Kaisen they are concerned with the season two premiere, specifically...
In an amazing collaboration between artificial intelligence and the popular manga and anime “Chainsaw Man“, a series of impressive realistic illustrations of the character have...
aihastothe talented video game developer, presents his most recent project: mysidea horror adventure that will immerse you in an intriguing and suspenseful story. The game,...
In a press release published this morning, the details for the stage adaptation of the manga were finally announced. Tatsuki Fujimoto, Chainsaw Man. The information...
In the headlining of the thirteenth volume of the light novels written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by Keiji Mizoguchi, Seishun Buta Yarou Series (Rascal...
The talented cosplayer!姝 (@soshu00)” surprises fans with a spectacular gallery of photographs in which he embodies Hitori Gotō from the famous franchiseBocchi the Rock!“! This...
Incredible stir in the world of anime and manga! An illustration showing Aqua from “KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!” and Ruby Hoshino from...